


To look outside yourself
.. for recognition and acceptance
.. for a master or teacher ...
.. for a saviour ...
.. for another to be your authority ...
is to deny the existence of your Transpersonal nature.

We always have a choice. To take BOLD decisions in the face of calamity in order to uproot all the sub-conscious programs and face the Inner Sun.. because a life of enlightened awareness is ours for the asking.

22 Dec > The last few days were spent thinking about the many labyrinthine turns that Life has taken to bring me here. I have had enough of following the unconscious agenda of survival, of living only to eat and sleep, dreaming only of better food and more comfortable beds to sleep on. There is a deeper purpose to our lives, that we must find.. and if we do not search, we will miss this opportunity forever.

It is about a choice that I will make.. in due course of time. A choice that will take me away from all my familiar folks.. a choice that I cannot even explain but it is connected to the excruciating transition that humanity is going through.. in order to reach a different order of Being.. a Global Human matrix, a different character and lifestyle. A time to question one's beliefs and give up those that do not seem to serve our needs and instead give expression to what we really seem to want.. A clearer awareness, light-hearted and free.. creative and fresh, full with laughter and love...

“Our early approaches to the Infinite
Are sunrise splendours on a marvellous verge
While lingers yet unseen the glorious sun.
What now we see is a shadow of what must come.
The earth's uplook to a remote Unknown
Is a preface only of the epic climb
Of human soul from its flat earthly state
To the discovery of a greater self
And the far gleam of an eternal Light.” – Savitri